Rosmarinus Officinalis
The name Rosemary comes from the Latin words ‘ros’- freshness and ‘marinus’- a fresh sea breeze. Rosemary can grow naturaly without watering, as it absorbs moisture from the sea.
This intensely aromatic plant originates from the Mediterranean.
It is the most frequently used spice for meat.
Rosemary decorates Mediterranean gardes with its small, blue flowers and intense, fresh scent.
Rosemary has anti-pain and stimulating properties.
Used in the treatment of depression and anxiety,in spite of increasing blood pressure.
It has warming properties and improves circulation when used externally.
Rosemary soothespain from stomach cramps, stimulates bile and improved digestion.
Inhalations of Rosemary help against colds and sinus infections.
Rosemary should be avoided during pregnancy and in cases of hypertension.